Sunday, April 7, 2019

RUNNING WILD-Rogues en Vogue (My review)

A majestic meaning of this band was audible on every album they recorded.
This one is something like a return to old good times of Running Wild band. For example "Death or Glory".
Album cover is awesome and amazing. Fantastic art work. A lyrical content is one of the best they have ever written. Songs are wonderful and powerful. They contain many interesting guitar solos, melodies and choruses. Here is also one of the longest songs by Running Wild. "The war"(10:38). It is another admirable fact about Running Wild band.
"The war" is full of breathtaking, sublime and majestic melodies. Full album is an another heavy metal experience, adventure and it must be among the greatest albums in this music style.
Such fantastic is the world of Running Wild band. A dimension and fantasy world of this interesting band.
They've done a lot for this music genre as well as other bands.